This Sub-Fund shall invest, at least two-thirds (2/3rds) of its assets, in bonds, other fixed or floating-rate debt securities and short-term debt securities of non-governmental issuers denominated in EUR. Up to one-third (1/3rd) of the Sub-Fund's assets may be invested in (i) debt securities denominated in other currencies (including Emerging Market currencies), (ii) debt securities issued or guaranteed by governmental issuers, (iii) Coco Bonds and/or (iv) Cash and Cash Equivalents (including short-term ABS/MBS which may represent up to 10% of investments in Cash and Cash Equivalents). The Sub-Fund will be invested in securities graded at least BBB or equivalent by the rating agencies described in paragraph 3.4 or of equivalent quality in the opinion of the Investment Manager. The Investment Manager will use its discretion with regard to sectors, geographical exposure and maturity of the portfolio. The Sub-Fund may be exposed to a limited number of issuers.