The objective of the Synchrony Optimised ESG Wighted Subfund is to achieve returns over the long-term, excluding fees and with dividends reinvested, equivalent to that of its benchmark, the SPI® ESG Weighted. The latter measures the performance of swiss equities, considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. ESG criteria are taken into account by the index provider when selecting the index constituents and their weighting in the index. To mirror the performance of the Subfund's benchmark, the portfolio manager employs an optimized sampling approach (quantitative method). The portfolio holds less securities than those contained in the index. At regular intervals the manager measures the tracking error of his portfolio relative to the benchmark. He also measures the annualized volatility of the performance gaps between the Subfund and the index (tracking error). By applying this method, the costs related to the replication of the index can be minimized.